ChatGPT Archives - Leadrebel Blog Blog about B2B Lead Generation Thu, 04 May 2023 21:29:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ChatGPT Archives - Leadrebel Blog 32 32 Turn your website into all-seeing Eye of Sauron by combining LeadRebel with ChatGPT Wed, 03 May 2023 13:21:36 +0000 Turn your website into all-seeing Eye of Sauron by combining LeadRebel with ChatGPT Introduction: Rise of the Machines In recent years, there has been an enormous amount of hype around artificial intelligence and its potential to transform a wide range of industries. One area where AI has shown particular promise is in the development of

The post Turn your website into all-seeing Eye of Sauron by combining LeadRebel with ChatGPT appeared first on Leadrebel Blog.

Turn your website into all-seeing Eye of Sauron by combining LeadRebel with ChatGPT

Introduction: Rise of the Machines

In recent years, there has been an enormous amount of hype around artificial intelligence and its potential to transform a wide range of industries. One area where AI has shown particular promise is in the development of chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage with customers, provide information, and even make recommendations. One such chatbot is ChatGPT, a language model based on the GPT-4 architecture that can carry out sophisticated conversations with users. Combination of LeadRebel & ChatGPT can be a powerful tool in your lead generation activities.

But ChatGPT is more than just a chatbot – it is a powerful tool that can be used by businesses to attract and engage customers. One way that this is achieved is through LeadRebel, a website visitor recognition software that allows companies to see which organizations have visited their website. By using data from LeadRebel, ChatGPT can identify potential customers and target them with personalized messaging.

In this article, we will explore the capabilities of ChatGPT and the benefits of using LeadRebel to drive customer engagement. We are going to show you, how we are using ChatGPT in combination with LeadRebel, how we generate new Leads without any additional costs or efforts and how we are going to enhance our software with help of ChatGPT.

We will also discuss the potential for this technology to revolutionize the way that businesses interact with their customers and the impact that it could have on the wider industry. So, let’s dive in and see what ChatGPT and LeadRebel can do for your business.

Table of contents:

ChatGPT – The AI-Powered Chatbot Revolutionizing B2B Lead Generation

ChatGPT is a highly advanced language model trained on vast amounts of natural language data, utilizing sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Based on the GPT-4 architecture, ChatGPT has the ability to understand human language and generate natural-sounding responses in real-time. This makes it an ideal tool for businesses seeking to engage with customers, build relationships, and generate leads.

But how does ChatGPT work, and how can it be utilized in B2B lead generation?

At its core, ChatGPT is a chatbot that can conduct natural conversations with users. It is engineered to understand the context of a conversation, recognize intent, and provide appropriate responses based on that information. This makes it an extremely adaptable tool that can be utilized in a wide range of scenarios.

One of the areas where ChatGPT has demonstrated its potential is in B2B lead generation. By utilizing data from LeadRebel, ChatGPT can identify potential customers who have visited a company’s website and engage with them in a personalized manner. This can help establish relationships and generate leads by providing valuable information, answering questions, and offering solutions to issues.

For example, if a potential customer visits a B2B company’s website and displays an interest in a specific product or service, ChatGPT can utilize that information to engage with them in real-time. By asking questions, providing information, and offering solutions, ChatGPT can build a rapport with the customer and increase the likelihood of converting them into a lead.

In addition to lead generation, ChatGPT can also be utilized to offer customer support, respond to frequently asked questions, and even automate certain business processes. This can help save time and resources while improving the customer experience.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that B2B companies can utilize to engage with customers, establish relationships, and generate leads. By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, businesses can remain ahead of the curve and take advantage of the latest technological advancements in the industry.

…And what is LeadRebel?

If you’re reading this blog but haven’t yet heard about our product, let us introduce ourselves: we are LeadRebel, a B2B lead generation software. Our platform identifies the companies behind your website visitors, providing you with detailed information about their behavior during their visit, and insights into each company and its employees. And yes, we are doing it in GDPR-conform way.

LeadRebel’s core function involves working with data, and by combining our data with ChatGPT, we can achieve incredible results.

ChatGPT + LeadRebel = LeadRebel Bot

This may seem like a small step for us, but it’s a significant step for humanity – or at least for those of us who are passionate about lead generation, sales, and digital marketing. While we are excited about this achievement, we are already planning for more significant and sophisticated advancements in merging LeadRebel with AI technologies. Our ultimate goal is to create the Swiss Knife of B2B lead generation. For you, it is big step, because your traffic conversion rate will never be the same.

We are excited to introduce the LeadRebel bot, a powerful combination of ChatGPT and LeadRebel technology. Our bot can provide the following benefits:

  1. Standard ChatGPT functionality (can be used without LeadRebel): You can pre-trained the model with information about your company, product, service, pricing, support, and anything else related to your business. This means that ChatGPT can answer practically any question your potential customers may have on your website. While AI-based chatbots have been around for a while, the elegance, creativity, wording, and charm of ChatGPT-based bots are unique. Additionally, our bot requires minimal training and is foolproof.
  2. Personalization based on LeadRebel: Our bot can grab various variables from LeadRebel, such as the visitor’s location, language, visited subpages, company, industry, and more. Using this information, our chatbot optimizes its answers based on these variables, providing personalized responses to your potential customers.

Customization of Responses using LeadRebel & ChatGPT

One example of personalization our LeadRebel bot can offer is greeting visitors with “Greetings to <city>, it looks like you have great weather out there!” This can create a more personalized experience for your visitors and make them feel more welcome on your site. While there is a chance that the bot might get it wrong due to IP registration issues, in most cases, it will be accurate and intrigue your visitors. And while this level of personalization may seem creepy to some, we believe it can improve engagement and conversion rates when used correctly.

In next step our LeadRebel bot can personalize the conversation by recognizing the industry of the visitor, for example it can be mechanical engineering, or real estate or… you name it. This allows the chatbot to provide tailored responses that are specific to the visitor’s needs. For example, if the visitor is in the mechanical engineering industry, the bot could highlight the advantages of your product by saying “We are one of the most cost-efficient suppliers for mechanical engineering in <country>.” This approach can demonstrate your expertise in the industry and increase the likelihood of converting the visitor into a customer.

And of course, the bot can also “see” on which page potential customer is. Is it pricing page? Bot will include some references to pricing in its answers. Maybe is it “about us” page? Bot can say couple of words about your companies’ unique story, without customer even asking for that.

Bot can also consider the source of the visit. The source can be LinkedIn, Google ads, email marketing campaign, or some popular publication about your company. The bot say: “Thank you for following our company on LinkedIn”, or “We are glad that you ready about us on <referral website>”.

Also LeadRebel can “feed” description of the company to ChatGPT so that the answers of the bot are even more detailed and optimized.

Use Cases. Getting High on Own Supply

Whatever we develop, we of course do it for you and for bright future of humanity. But in first place, we are doing it for our own company. We have created this bot to generate more leads, to whom we will sell, well, this exact bot (in combination with LeadRebel core of course). And guess what? It is working, even in this initial, beta version of the software. So here, how we get high on own supply 🙂


Use Case 1: Nice Guy from Poland

The visitor already knows our product, his company is in trial, so he simply looks around to find out more information about the software. Conversation is pretty straightforward. Note, in this case the company of visitor wasn’t recognized by LeadRebel.

Greetings to Warsaw, I’m LeadRebel bot, based on ChatGPT. Feel free to ask me any question about LeadRebel! 🙂 How can I help you?

17.04.2023 13:01:02

just looking

17.04.2023 13:01:02

Alright, no problem. Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you have any questions. Have a nice day!

17.04.2023 13:01:04

my colleagues are working with You

17.04.2023 13:01:29

That’s great to hear! Can you please tell me your name and email address so I can help you better?

17.04.2023 13:01:31


17.04.2023 13:01:49

Thank you, H.! How can I help you with LeadRebel? Do you have any questions about our software, or do you need any assistance with your LeadRebel account?

17.04.2023 13:01:51

thank You I will check and learn about Your platform.

17.04.2023 13:02:22

Sure, H.! Let me know if you have any questions or would like any assistance with learning about LeadRebel. You can always reach out to us at if you need further help as well.

As you see from the conversation, we got contact details of the visitor. Of course, not everyone is going to give his/her contact data, but users with high interest in the product sometimes do. This is all we need. Our sales talked with the potential customer, gave some additional information about LeadRebel. At the end of the trial, customer was converted in paid account. Thanks H.!

Use Case 2: Person Name + Company = Lead

In this case, LeadRebel was able to recognize the company. Visitor gave us his name. What else do you need to find the right person? (of course, if the company isn’t very big). Also note, chat switched right away to German, once visitor greeted on German. Can your sales reps do it? 🙂

Greetings to Stuttgart, I’m LeadRebel bot, based on ChatGPT. Feel free to ask me any question about LeadRebel! 🙂 How can I help you?

17.04.2023 17:27:13


17.04.2023 17:27:13

Guten Tag! Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? Bitte sagen Sie mir zu Beginn Ihren Namen und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse.

17.04.2023 17:27:16


17.04.2023 17:27:22

Hallo F.! Wie kann ich Ihnen in Bezug auf LeadRebel helfen? 🙂

17.04.2023 17:27:24

Was kostet die Version über PREMIUM hinaus.

17.04.2023 17:27:47

Die Kosten von LeadRebel über die PREMIUM-Version hinaus richten sich nach Ihren individuellen Anforderungen und verwenden. Es gibt keine festen Preise; wir bieten stattdessen ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot an. Wenn Sie also mehr Anforderungen oder Anfragen haben, empfehle ich Ihnen, das Kontaktformular auf unserer Website auszufüllen, um ein Angebot zu erhalten, das Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Hier ist der Link zum Kontaktformular: Könnte ich Ihnen bei der Buchung von kostenlosen Demos oder der Registrierung für eine kostenlose Testversion von LeadRebel behilflich sein?

Visitor didn’t show much interest here. Based on the data from conversation, we found the person and reached out, but the talks went nowhere. Well, life is hard for sales.

… But our will to sell is harder! So, F., welcome to our retargeting list.

Use Case 3: Grumpy Visitor Worried about GDPR

In this conversation, LeadRebel has recognized the company and of course the city. We have good starting position, but the visitor is in bad mood.

Greetings to Århus, I’m LeadRebel bot, based on ChatGPT. Feel free to ask me any question about LeadRebel! 🙂 How can I help you?

19.04.2023 17:00:55

Why is the front on your site so light grey that it is almost unreadable?

19.04.2023 17:00:55

Before I answer your question, can you please tell me your name? Also, if you have any questions about LeadRebel, I’ll be happy to help!

19.04.2023 17:00:58

So I didn’t mean front but font

19.04.2023 17:01:16

Thank you for clarifying that! LeadRebel uses a legible and modern font, but we are always striving to improve the performance and user experience of the platform. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the font, please feel free to reach out to our support team at Would you like to know anything else about LeadRebel or possibly try out our software with a free trial?

19.04.2023 17:01:22

My head is almost imploding because of how unreadable the font is. I would recommend making it darker

19.04.2023 17:02:39

Thank you for your feedback, we truly appreciate it! We understand the importance of legibility and ease of use of the platform; therefore we will take your suggestion into consideration and work on improving our font color. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding LeadRebel, please feel free to reach out to our support team or try out our free trial.

19.04.2023 17:02:45

Can your service be used by us to identify who visits our website?

19.04.2023 17:03:45

Yes, that is exactly what LeadRebel does! Our software is perfect for B2B lead generation, providing you with detailed information on the companies that visited your website, including their address, website, social media profiles, contact data and employees. This allows you to identify warm leads and follow up with potential customers. Would you like to try out LeadRebel with a free trial or perhaps schedule a demo?

19.04.2023 17:03:51

I have colleagues in our legal department who are worried if these services are not fully GDPR compliant. Are they?

19.04.2023 17:05:14

Yes! LeadRebel is fully GDPR compliant, and we respect your data and privacy. We make every effort to follow all GDPR guidelines. Our software only processes publicly available web data, and we provide clear and transparent information on how we collect and process personal data. We also have a privacy policy available on our website that explains exactly what data we collect and how we use it. If you have any more questions regarding GDPR compliance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at

The conversation goes for a while, nothing special.

First thing we did, we made the font on our website darker. +1 point for UX.

Then we started to search for the person, who was chatting with us. Even though the company is international, having had some business experience with Denmark, we had no doubts that we talked to a Dane (don’t get us wrong, I personally really like Denmark  ).

In second step, we decided, that it was middle aged man (don’t ask why, just gut feeling, has nothing to do with AI).

Third step, we know who our target audience is: in 90% of cases marketing manager or head of marketing.

We found 2 persons, fitting those three criteria (whole search took about 5 minutes). And simply approached both. The deal is still in the pipeline.

As you see, lead generation is easy and fun, costs close to nothing and needs no real time investment, when you combine visitor recognition with AI bot.

What’s Next for LeadRebel & ChatGPT?

The initial version of LeadRebel bot will be released on 12th of May. But this is just a first step. Our goal is to enable data driven customization of as many elements on any given website, as possible. With help of LeadRebel and ChatGPT your website will turn into traffic conversion and lead generation machine. It stops being some static, primitive version of itself, and turns into dynamic, everchanging and all-seeing eye of Sauron, sucking in leads like a black hole.

What Risks and Difficulties are Involved?

Where there are opportunities, there are also risks. On top of that, there are some typical problems associated with ChatGPT, which can be annoying.

  • One of the issues is stability, as ChatGPT might experience downtime. This doesn’t happen very often, but it can occur occasionally. That means the bot can go offline and stop responding mid-conversation, resulting in a request-timeout. We have observed such disruptions occurring once every several days, and it can take several minutes to half an hour or so before the bot is back online. Obviously, this is not the best way to impress potential customers.
  • Another risk to consider is legal implications. For instance, Italy has banned ChatGPT, and other European countries are still trying to figure out how to regulate the wild growth of AI technologies and the associated data privacy issues. It’s challenging to predict how these regulations will affect our industry in the short term, but in the long term, they may benefit the industry.
  • Difficulties with prompting is another challenge, especially when using ChatGPT or similar technologies. Creating the right input for the AI is critical to ensure that it provides helpful answers. When third-party data sources like LeadRebel are involved, creating clear and efficient prompts becomes even more critical and challenging. The AI must be able to handle lots of input at once and integrate it into the answers without making the conversation awkward and artificial.

For example, if you ask the AI to optimize an answer based on the website visitor’s city, industry, country, language, and browsing behavior, while also including one or several calls to action, the AI is given too many constraints, and it may not use the input effectively. In such cases, one or more input factors may be disregarded, which could be harmful to your marketing efforts since the AI might leave out crucial factors and focus on less important ones. For instance, instead of considering a customer’s industry or interest on the website, the AI might choose to focus on the visitor’s country and city in its answer, even though they may be less relevant.

Creating the right prompts may require some time, effort, and trial-and-error testing until ChatGPT starts providing optimal content.

What about GDPR?

Many of you may be wondering about GDPR and data privacy in general. While I am not a lawyer, I can logically conclude that LeadRebel does not transfer any additional personal data to ChatGPT.

It is important not to transfer IP to ChatGPT since it counts as personal data, at least in Germany. However, the rest of the information (country, city, company, industry of the visitor) does not count as personal data because you cannot identify a person solely based on this information (well, there are indeed some villages or dying cities, somewhere in Siberia, having just one inhabitant, but ok, let’s not be that captious).

This means that since LeadRebel is GDPR compliant, we are not transferring any additional data to ChatGPT. Therefore, the combination of the two may seem creepy or big-brother-like, but it is still GDPR compliant.

LeadRebel & ChatGPT: Summary and Future Outlook


ChatGPT, as well as other upcoming AI projects, have the potential to revolutionize many industries, if not all. This year we have seen major breakthroughs in AI technologies. There are many positive sides to this development, but also many possible dangers and risks.

However, for online marketers, salespeople, and digital innovators, a whole new world full of opportunities has been created. LeadRebel can be one of the tools you might need in this digital Klondike. By combining LeadRebel and ChatGPT, your possibilities in terms of conversion optimization, lead capturing, data mining, and general sales and marketing optimization are as numerous as never before.

At LeadRebel, we are working hard to turn our website, and subsequently, your website, into an all-seeing eye of Sauron, with the noble goal of improving the user’s experience on the website, providing all necessary information immediately, and creating a Tinder-like instant match between the customer and potential provider, while avoiding the month-long search and research process.

The post Turn your website into all-seeing Eye of Sauron by combining LeadRebel with ChatGPT appeared first on Leadrebel Blog.
